
Why I Set my Stories in Paris

Paris Street, Karen Hugg, www.karenhugg.com, #Paris #writing #books

Though I was born in Chicago and have spent most of my adulthood in Seattle, I’ve always felt more European than American. There’s nothing really wrong with America, it is the land of hopes and dreams and opportunity. America’s resourcefulness and belief in a better tomorrow is ingrained in me. The open friendliness of America is in me too. But in a country that looks to the future, we don’t often value the past. And I’m big into the past. […]

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Who Is the Second Most Valuable Beta Reader?

Maddie the Cat, Who Is The Second Most Valuable Beta Reader? https://karenhugg.com/2015/12/19/writer-friends #writing #betareader #writing #feedback

In early November, I sent my novel to three trusted friends for feedback. One is a freelance editor and writer. Another is a memoirist. And the third is a fantasy writer. They were all happy to take on the favor of reading my manuscript and agreed to an early December deadline to return feedback. How Interpreting Silence Can Be Dangerous While awaiting their feedback, I set the novel aside and caught up on non-writing tasks. I cleaned the house for the first time […]

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My Meltdown While Revising

I’m in the thick of revision now. I’m living inside the world I’ve created in my manuscript. I sit for hours on my comfy, corner chair with the blanket on my lap and Madeleine or “Maddie,” my cat, on my legs while I edit, hitting the delete button and inserting new words and phrases here and there. I mull over logic. Worry about melodrama. Make sure everyone has a motive, or a wound that propels their behavior. I read big […]

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Don’t Write Brilliantly, Just Write

Don't Write Brilliantly, Just Write, Karen Hugg, https://karenhugg.com/2011/03/13/dont-write-brilliantly-just-write/ #EatPrayLove #Elizabeth Gilbert #writing #books #writinglife #inspiration

Welcome to my blog about the writing life and who knows what else in time to come. It’s meant to inspire, inform, and support those out there who love language and love to express themselves through it. This first post is the outcome of my reading Eat, Pray, Love, Elizabeth Gilbert’s first-person account of her spiritual journey. If you’re not familiar with this funny, vivid, contemplative memoir, make it your next read. It’s the kind of book that, while telling […]

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