TagMartha Argerich

The Characters and Their Music in The Forgetting Flower, Part 1

Classical Music CDs, The Characters and Their Music in The Forgetting Flower Part 1, Karen Hugg, https://karenhugg.com/2019/04/12/characters-music-1/ #TheForgettingFlower #books #novels #classicalmusic #music #thrillers #Rachmaninoff #Schumann #Tchaikovsky #Berlioz

I have always loved music. When I was little, I loved pop music for its catchy hooks. Then when I was a teenager, I loved rock music for its cool riffs. As a young adult, I was into alternative before my love later deepened into jazz and classical music. I was a musician myself for a while (drummer) and worked as a music editor. So, I guess it’s no surprise that as I wrote my novel, I unconsciously included music […]

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